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Contact Jody:


Jody Jones​

Jody and her husband Mark have been church planters for the past 11 years.  They have planted 2 churches since 2003 and hold neighborhood Bible studies [Community Life Groups] to reach their neighbors and community. 


Jody was not always following God's plan for her life and was once following a very dark and evil path that led to many consequences in her life before she was willing to surrender everything to God.  It took God allowing her to hit rock bottom and completely breaking her before she was willing to surrender her entire life to the Lord. 


Jody does not believe you should dwell on your past, but instead believes that God allowed her to go through all that she has been through for a reason.  She wants to use it to help those who may be going through similar trials that she has faced. Her passion is to simply be authentic and transparent in the way she lives and be a vessel to help others see that God made all of us to be used for his own purpose. 


Jody leads worship with her younger son in her home church and in her spare time likes to write worship songs or songs that are inspired from trials or lessons she has learned.


Speaking Topics for Jody are:

Jody has been asked to speak at many conferences and is willing to speak on whatever topic is asked of her.   However, she specializes in the following.


  • Personal Testimony (which covers many topics)

  • Bitterness and Forgiveness

  • Dating and Marriage

  • Doing whatever it takes to lead others to Christ

  • What and who are you living for?

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